p | 435.615.1618
The Spur is open daily from 11 am till 1 am
Cortney Johanson, Managing Partner: 435.649.3140 ext. 110 | cortney@350main.com
Fabio Ferreira, General Manager: 435.615.1618 ext. 104 | fabio@thespurbarandgrill.com
Brie Berard, Group Sales and Events Manager: 435.649.3140 ext. 103 | sales@350main.com
Bryce Moulton, Booking Agent | music@thespurbarandgrill.com
visit our sister location!
350 Main invites you to enjoy contemporary american cuisine in an upscale, mountain dining atmosphere. 350 is located next door to the Spur Bar and Grill on Main Street in Park City.
350 Main will be closed until June